Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

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18 April 2011

Final Results of Micro-Survey #2

We received 204 votes in 25 responses to our second micro-survey, your favourite bush dances. Please see Wednesday, March 16, 2011, below for the final results.

06 April 2011


In the lead-up to the MFS Committee elections in 2008, I published some ideas about "the essentials of a successful MFS committee" on the web, and also two other members and I had these ideas printed and distributed at MFS events.

These principles are timeless and they are still there at

I was elected as President in 2008, and the two fellow members mentioned above were also elected. We saw a society in need of help, and we aimed high, but how did we go? Here are some reflections on a very satisfying two years, based on my recollections.

- We behaved ethically and openly. We consulted with stakeholders before making decisions that would affect them, and invited those particularly interested in an item along to our meetings. We advised members of our decisions along with reasons, and made our meeting agendas and minutes freely available to members.

- The public web site was totally re-developed and a collaborative Web Content Management system implemented.

- The members' web site was created

- The dance program was re-vitalised with the Bush Dance Group blooming and the establishment of the very successful End of Month Dance Committee.

- Simple reporting and accountability standards enabled us to responsibly share leadership through pre-approved budgets, delegation and empowerment. All organising teams were encouraged to promote and run their own activities.

- Improved financial management reporting on all activities of the society, including assets, was one area that was going to take more than two years, but tremendous strides were made.

- We established a PayPal account making possible secure on-line payments.

- MFS Committee meetings were business-like two hour meetings with equal air-time for all, in a professional board-room setting with proper voting and majority decisions

- We filled all positions, with no-one wearing two hats.

- We made a start on publishing "Roles & Responsibilities" for each volunteer position.

I commend these principles to the next generation of elected MFS Committee members and office-bearers, and urge any member who agrees to stand up and help the society. It's worth it!
