Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

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25 July 2014

The Insurance Certificate Drama

The insurance expired a month ago and we still don't have a copy of the certificate. Not sure what this means for our second last performance, but our final performance is after the MFS AGM. So, if you know folk who would be capable of organising annual renewal of our insurance, distribution of a copy of the insurance certificate to those who need it, and a few other straightforward matters, why not ask them if you can nominate them for the AGM?

You never know who might surprise you with a "yes" until you ask.

How to nominate is at:

The current executive are not very good at communicating notices of meetings, but the "Nomination of Candidates" section in the above page is still correct.


17 July 2014

Heads Up - the AGM is Coming

I am a fairly tolerant sort of bloke but I am afraid that the current MFS executive is beyond the pale, and we are going to have to kick this mob out.

MFS executive have been unable to provide me with an insurance certificate, they have messed up my use of MFS Announce, they have been unable to provide copies of their minutes (if there are any), and they have tried to interfere in other people's business while neglecting their own responsibilities.

The society is in decline and we need a new team at the top. We need an MFS Committee that can delegate and empower lots of members to do lots of folkie things. We need whole-of-society promotion and legal governance. We need helpful support not interference in our jobs, and openness and transparency at all levels.

It's not hard to provide good decisions at the top, in fact it's easier than making bad decisions. The main thing is to recruit and retain volunteers.

Anyone who is sound and sensible could do it, and it should not take much time.

So, why not stand? It could be you and your colleagues that can turn the society around. There's a lot of members out there ready to respond to friendly leadership.
