I have received the message below from Geoff Kell. Please send any replies
directly to Geoff at geoff(at)weejaspercaves(dot)com
Geoff and the other candidates have my full support.
directly to Geoff at geoff(at)weejaspercaves(dot)com
Geoff and the other candidates have my full support.
Over the last few years there has been a decline in attendance at events organised by different groups in the society.
People move, retire, follow other interests and there has not been a great influx of new participants. Similarly there has been ongoing difficulty in filling positions on the committee and the carrying out of necessary functions.
We, the undersigned, believe that the MFS requires urgent action to resolve some long term issues that have affected its performance and threaten the viability of the organisation.
Accordingly, we have formed an MFS Action Group of candidates who believe we can work harmoniously together: we seek your endorsement for election to the MFS committee so that we can address the following issues which we believe require immediate attention.
· INFORMATION TO MEMBERS: Improve openness and transparency by communication between the committee and MFS membership. Publishing minutes and group reports on the web site and consulting with groups that are affected by committee decisions.
· PROMOTION: Actively pursue new membership through better publicity and media profile.
Engage with compatible organisations and institutions, including schools and public forums.
Improve the website to make it more user friendly as an information resource.
· INSURANCE: Take necessary steps to ensure that insurance coverage is sufficient to safeguard significant assets and extends to all volunteers at events.
Ensure subgroups have necessary documentation of this for their activities.
Address the write off of assets and clarify their location and current value.
· WORKING TOGETHER: Seek to resolve quickly any outstanding conflicts affecting activities of the society.
· DELEGATION: Clarify issues of delegation of authority for groups within the society to carry out their activities, including insurance aspects.
· UPDATE RULES: Update the rules of association appropriately to include references to the use of online technology.
Our purpose in nominating for committee positions is to stand up for these objectives and do our utmost to ensure they are at the forefront of all society dealings. All activities inevitably involve some work to organise and execute but this should be and can be done in a spirit of mutual respect and enjoyment.
If you agree with this we ask that you attend the AGM on the 11th of September to support and vote for those who envision an enjoyable and reasonable future for the society.
Consultative working group:
Linda Aunela Geoff Kell James Lissaman Antonella Salpietro
Simon Nesa David Roni Giacobetti Bob Hodgson Peter Gamble