Well the MFS AGM has been and gone, and I am sure all members are highly appreciative of those who stepped forward on the night, when there was only one nomination for committee received. It was an excellent candidate, but nine candidates short of what was needed.
I did not stand because I have moved on to leading the End of Month Dance Organising Team (EOMDOT), and I am working towards handing that role over around the end of 2012.
I understand there are still some vacancies so it is not too late to contact someone on the MFS Committee and offer your services.
At this time of year we are reminded of the need to improve our encouragement of people to stand, and the need for informed decisions by members about those stepping forward to take on trusted roles. My encouragement has, by and large, fallen on deaf ears I'm afraid.
Maybe we should start months before the AGM, with candidates uploading their photo, a little about themselves, and what they stand for to the members' wiki? Then all members will be able to see if there are not enough candidates, and they might be encouraged to stand. It might create that "buzz" of excitement that will result in more interest and nominations.
It will also mitigate the risk of someone intent on fraud, or someone with a track record of mis-management or trouble-making infiltrating our society management for their purposes that are not our purposes. Finding a nominator and seconder is little safeguard in the heat of the AGM urgency to fill positions, even if the volunteer joins the MFS on the night, and if there is only one nomination they must be declared elected under the current rules. Advance nomination is a stronger deterrent, allowing background checks or simple "asking around" by members to find out a little about candidates, and sounding of alarm bells or nomination of more suitable candidates if the members feel strongly about a particular person.
We could also think about all members being able to vote for candidates electronically or by coming to the AGM, the member's choice. This would prevent unrepresentative elections through meeting stacking.
Any other matter to be voted on at the AGM has to be notified to all members in advance, so maybe all members should be able to vote electronically and the AGM should go ahead with whoever turns up on the night. The AGM would cover reports and questions and so forth, and receipt of "manual" votes.
Anything like this would require careful thinking through, consultation with all members, changes to the rules, and selection of technology to be used. It would also need strong member support, but it could make a huge difference to the future of the society. What do you think?
My personal annual report:
We are having a great time and the MFS funds will easily see us out, in fact they keep piling up in the bank. The treasurer reported a healthy profit last year, and more than enough money in the bank. The EOM dances, balls and Bush Dance Group have been particularly successful. In fact it appears from the MFS AGM that each of our businesses are progressing under competent management, but MFS Committee is reporting some difficulties. I think with goodwill and good humour all round, and business-like communication and consultation, any real whole-of-society issues can be easily addressed.
Sincere thanks to all the volunteers, the door welcomers and refreshment organisers, the decorating teams and publicity promoters, the cleaners and stackers, and all the musicians, callers and dancers who have made this excellent year possible.
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