I have received an email saying "When you did hold office you did not represent the whole society. Your focus is dance and that is what you concentrated on not the MFS as a whole".
For every person that takes the trouble to write, there are probably a dozen who think similarly but don't write, so I appreciate the email and the chance to respond. Your comments are also welcome, just click the "comments" link below.
The writer has a long memory, that was years ago, and different recollections to me, or has been misinformed.
The fact is that I think the last thing the MFS committee should be doing is running dances, and for the two years I was on that committee I stood aside from all other organising teams and did not involve myself in their decisions. The MFS Committee achieved great improvements in dance, by delegating and empowering others, but MFS Committee focus was the MFS as a whole. Results through people.
- We behaved ethically and openly. We consulted with stakeholders before making decisions that would affect them, and invited those particularly interested in an item along to our meetings. We advised members of our decisions along with reasons, and made our meeting agendas and minutes freely available to members.
- The public web site was totally re-developed and a collaborative Web Content Management system implemented. That means each organising team can instantly update their own publicity, because they are best placed to do that.
- The members' web site was created
- Simple reporting and accountability standards enabled us to responsibly share leadership through pre-approved budgets, delegation and empowerment. All organising teams were encouraged to promote and run their own activities.
- Improved financial management reporting on all activities of the society, including assets, was one area that was going to take more than two years, but tremendous strides were made.
- We established a PayPal account making possible secure on-line payments.
- MFS Committee meetings were business-like two hour meetings with equal air-time for all, in a professional board-room setting with proper voting and majority decisions
- We filled all positions, with no-one wearing two hats.
- We made a start on publishing "Roles & Responsibilities" for each volunteer position.
I rest my case.
We are not running a knitting circle where the committee could micro-manage everything. The MFS is a free association of autonomous activities and that means MFS Committee have to delegate responsibility to well-defined organising teams, and hold them accountable for results. If you can't delegate you can't manage.
The good news is that proper division of responsibilities and business-like relations are easier for all concerned. No second-guessing, no impasses, everyone taking care of their own business to achieve the results they want. The MFS Committee needs to take a strategic leadership role, consider reports, make important decisions that affect the whole society, and attend to their own details like insurance and consolidated accounts.
If you warm to these ideas, why not step forward? Don't wait till the society folds due to lack of interest, do it now!
The writer has a long memory, that was years ago, and different recollections to me, or has been misinformed.
The fact is that I think the last thing the MFS committee should be doing is running dances, and for the two years I was on that committee I stood aside from all other organising teams and did not involve myself in their decisions. The MFS Committee achieved great improvements in dance, by delegating and empowering others, but MFS Committee focus was the MFS as a whole. Results through people.
- We behaved ethically and openly. We consulted with stakeholders before making decisions that would affect them, and invited those particularly interested in an item along to our meetings. We advised members of our decisions along with reasons, and made our meeting agendas and minutes freely available to members.
- The public web site was totally re-developed and a collaborative Web Content Management system implemented. That means each organising team can instantly update their own publicity, because they are best placed to do that.
- The members' web site was created
- Simple reporting and accountability standards enabled us to responsibly share leadership through pre-approved budgets, delegation and empowerment. All organising teams were encouraged to promote and run their own activities.
- Improved financial management reporting on all activities of the society, including assets, was one area that was going to take more than two years, but tremendous strides were made.
- We established a PayPal account making possible secure on-line payments.
- MFS Committee meetings were business-like two hour meetings with equal air-time for all, in a professional board-room setting with proper voting and majority decisions
- We filled all positions, with no-one wearing two hats.
- We made a start on publishing "Roles & Responsibilities" for each volunteer position.
I rest my case.
We are not running a knitting circle where the committee could micro-manage everything. The MFS is a free association of autonomous activities and that means MFS Committee have to delegate responsibility to well-defined organising teams, and hold them accountable for results. If you can't delegate you can't manage.
The good news is that proper division of responsibilities and business-like relations are easier for all concerned. No second-guessing, no impasses, everyone taking care of their own business to achieve the results they want. The MFS Committee needs to take a strategic leadership role, consider reports, make important decisions that affect the whole society, and attend to their own details like insurance and consolidated accounts.
If you warm to these ideas, why not step forward? Don't wait till the society folds due to lack of interest, do it now!