Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

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19 August 2013

MFS AGM Thursday, 26 September 2013

I understand from an email that the Monaro Folk Society Annual General Meeting is on Thursday, 26 September 2013, 7pm, at St Margaret's in Hackett.

There is no mention of the AGM in the MFS main page "latest news", and it is not in the MFS Google Calendar, and the date has been moved back this year to a date when we and many others will be away at the well-publicised Bush Dancers Bendigo Bivouac, but I am sure that all on the committee are there for altruistic reasons and would warmly welcome all members to attend the AGM.

For all MFS members, the most important business of the AGM is to elect your new committee.

The MFS Committee is the top policy and strategy committee of the society. If you have a commitment to ethics, truth and honesty and wish to build the society through shared experiences and positive outcomes then this is the place for you.

We need a committee that is flexible and fair in all dealings and interactions, and that will actively pursue a dramatic increase in public awareness of and participation in the Monaro Folk Society.

The MFS Committee needs to be run in a thoroughly open, transparent and democratic way, with an impartial chair, speakers for and against, and voting. It is responsible for a large decentralised enterprise and needs to follow standard and simple legal decision making practices.

A strong field of candidates is a healthy sign and sincerely welcomed by all.

New blood means fresh ideas and renewed vigour for the Monaro Folk Society, so what is stopping you from nominating at the AGM? You don't need previous experience, just an interest in helping the society and an ability to learn as you go. As well as being satisfying and fun, committee members and office-bearers can learn a tremendous amount about running a successful organisation and about all aspects of folk music, dance and culture.

Whether or not you feel moved to lend a hand on the committee, another small but rewarding contribution that you can make is simply to attend the AGM on Thursday, 26 September 2013, 7pm, at St Margaret's in Hackett. See for yourself how the MFS is travelling, and appoint your new committee.




  1. Your sarcasm does not become you

  2. No sarcasm was intended. If anonymous was referring to "I am sure that all on the committee are there for altruistic reasons and would warmly welcome all members to attend the AGM" that is my sincere belief, despite the timing and failure to communicate. LC

  3. Any incoming committee president also needs a thick skin to deal with unwanted bullying from members - can't recall if the MFS has a bullying policy but do know many different presidents have suffered when wanting to do good for the society.
