Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

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30 September 2010

An Unrepresentative Election

I thought I would write because a number have people have asked me why I stepped down as MFS President. The answer is that I didn't.

I would like to make it clear that I had no idea that there would be another candidate for the Monaro Folk Society president position.

In my opinion the attendance at the AGM did not reflect the membership at large, and appeared to me and to others that I have spoken to, to be largely made up of people associated with two groups within the society. The election results reflected this.

Just for the record, I would have been happy to continue in the role.

The unrepresentative election process should cause concern about our rules.

I feel that members have the right to know before the meeting (when they are deciding whether or not to attend) who the candidates are, what their background is, and what they stand for. Just the same as members know what motions will be put, at least 14 days before the meeting.

In other organisations that I have been in, candidates declare their intention to stand, provide a photograph and short statement about their background and what they stand for, and voting takes place over a few weeks with all members having the opportunity to vote.

As a minimum, I think that nominations should close say two weeks before the meeting with candidates' names published, with further nominations on the night only if there were vacancies left by the formal nomination and election process.

Do you agree? If there is a lot of positive response I will draft an amendment to the rules.

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