Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

If you wish to comment on this blog, please click the link marked "no comments" to be the first to comment, or the link marked with the number of comments at the end of the item. If your comment does not appear within a few hours, please email me.

If you have technical difficulties in posting comments, please email them clearly marked "for posting on the canberradance blog".


10 December 2011

Communication & Consultation

Recent events have reminded me of the importance of openness and transparency, and communication and consultation with stakeholders - those who decision-makers wish to implement their decisions.

The principles of natural justice embodied in the incorporations act and the common law, and indeed common sense, demand that in a democratic society like ours, those affected by a decision be consulted before a policy decision is made by decision-makers.

The reasons for adequate consultation are well-known and include:

- testing whether a proposed policy reflects key stakeholder concerns and issues.

- identifying the competing interests of different people or groups.

- thinking through of all consequences and impacts.

- building consensus and "buy-in". No one likes surprises.

- supporting transparency in the policy making process.

- good policy and compliance.

It is simply a matter of seeking consultation comments on proposals, new committee terms of reference, etc, and taking comments into account when making our decisions, along the lines of the process at:

Sometimes urgent decisions have to be taken without consultation, but lack of prior consultation can also lead to "more haste less speed" when it comes to attempted implementation, particularly in a voluntary association of autonomous activities like ours.

Personally, if I am not consulted before a decision is taken that affects me, I have no confidence that it will be a well-considered decision, and no interest in its implementation. Others can make their own decisions and if they want to they can do it, but for me I am taking a stand - no consultation, no implementation. The days of obeying without question are long gone around here.

Conversely, I try for open and transparent processes. The End of Month Dance Organising Team agendas and minutes are published on the members' web site. If I am ever involved in a decision that affects you, and you feel you weren't adequately consulted before the decision was made, please let me know and I will do my best to take the process back a step or two and try again.



25 October 2011

Social Networking

We all have different mind-sets at different times. I generally go for the "we are all in this together" mindset, relishing diversity, welcoming new folk and new ideas, expanding and growing, and in particular all ages and levels of experience working together to achieve wonderful outcomes.

There are innumerable intergenerational opportunities everywhere. Barbara and I freely admit to being at the "elder" end of the age and experience spectrum. That gives us certain strengths but also certain weaknesses.

For example, we would not be perceived as "cool" people by many younger folk. We may come across as inspiring oldies, but not as trend-setters to be followed. So here is an intergenerational opportunity for younger members to advise us on what will work to attract a younger crowd, to pitch in and help deliver those attractive experiences, and to promote the product through social networks and all the other fantastic ways that we have to communicate our message to a huge on-line audience these days. By telling your facebook friends about a great MFS event, "liking" and "inviting to" MFS events, and getting your friends to pass it on, you can reach a huge and younger crowd.

I don't know much about social networking, apart from seeing the movie, but I'm sure many MFS members do, and I'm sure this is a great intergenerational opportunity for all of us to work together for a great cause.

If you wish to work with us for a glorious future, you will be more than welcome on our various dance organising teams. These teams have a great mix of age and experience levels, but many hands make light work and we need a few more younger folk that we can work with in an intergenerational way on key roles. Just get in touch. If you wish to use your own social network to get more people participating and involved, that's great too, and of course we would love to hear of your endeavours.

Even better, why not become the "official" face of bush dancing on facebook (and/or other social networks), on behalf of the bush dance organising teams? Create the appropriate facebook page and create events there and invite people to them, and those people can invite their friends and so on...

We will sincerely appreciate anything you can do - just get in touch and we can work out the details. Many hands, light work.


24 October 2011

All good things must come to an end, but not right now!

All good things must come to an end, but not right now!

We are retiring around the end of 2012 and would like to work with younger folk who will keep the bush dancing alive and booming after we retire.

If you would like to help please let us know and we will do everything we can to make that happen. We are thinking a long way out to make a transition easy, and because we make bookings a long way out. Here is a list of opportunities:

Convenor, End of Month Dance Organising Team (EOMDOT):
- Convene meetings
- Execute decisions made by EOMDOT
- Recruit and retain volunteers
- Report to MFS Committee

EOMDOT Band Bookings Officer
- Draft band bookings list for EOMDOT consideration
- Liaise with bands
- Organise band billeting
- Certify accounts for payment
- Report to EOMDOT

EOMDOT & BDG Venue Bookings Officer
- Book venues
- Liaise with venue managers
- Organise key pickup & return
- Certify accounts for payment
- Report to EOMDOT & BDGC

Event Manager
- Organise supper and/or refreshments
- Organise venue decoration
- Report to EOMDOT or BDGC

Bush Dance Publicity Officer
- Update on-line databases
- Email Canberra Time etc
- Organise posters & dodgers
- Report to EOMDOT & BDGC

Canberra Dance News
- Currently a monthly email

Primary Contact, The Bush Dancers display group
- Take bookings from event organisers
- Arrange musician coordinator for each event
- Notify dancers of events
- Display publicity material
- Report to MFS Committee

Please let us know your thoughts.

Barbara & Lance

30 September 2011

Another AGM

Well the MFS AGM has been and gone, and I am sure all members are highly appreciative of those who stepped forward on the night, when there was only one nomination for committee received. It was an excellent candidate, but nine candidates short of what was needed.
I did not stand because I have moved on to leading the End of Month Dance Organising Team (EOMDOT), and I am working towards handing that role over around the end of 2012.
I understand there are still some vacancies so it is not too late to contact someone on the MFS Committee and offer your services.
At this time of year we are reminded of the need to improve our encouragement of people to stand, and the need for informed decisions by members about those stepping forward to take on trusted roles. My encouragement has, by and large, fallen on deaf ears I'm afraid.
Maybe we should start months before the AGM, with candidates uploading their photo, a little about themselves, and what they stand for to the members' wiki? Then all members will be able to see if there are not enough candidates, and they might be encouraged to stand. It might create that "buzz" of excitement that will result in more interest and nominations.
It will also mitigate the risk of someone intent on fraud, or someone with a track record of mis-management or trouble-making infiltrating our society management for their purposes that are not our purposes. Finding a nominator and seconder is little safeguard in the heat of the AGM urgency to fill positions, even if the volunteer joins the MFS on the night, and if there is only one nomination they must be declared elected under the current rules. Advance nomination is a stronger deterrent, allowing background checks or simple "asking around" by members to find out a little about candidates, and sounding of alarm bells or nomination of more suitable candidates if the members feel strongly about a particular person.
We could also think about all members being able to vote for candidates electronically or by coming to the AGM, the member's choice. This would prevent unrepresentative elections through meeting stacking.
Any other matter to be voted on at the AGM has to be notified to all members in advance, so maybe all members should be able to vote electronically and the AGM should go ahead with whoever turns up on the night. The AGM would cover reports and questions and so forth, and receipt of "manual" votes.
Anything like this would require careful thinking through, consultation with all members, changes to the rules, and selection of technology to be used. It would also need strong member support, but it could make a huge difference to the future of the society. What do you think?
My personal annual report:
We are having a great time and the MFS funds will easily see us out, in fact they keep piling up in the bank. The treasurer reported a healthy profit last year, and more than enough money in the bank. The EOM dances, balls and Bush Dance Group have been particularly successful. In fact it appears from the MFS AGM that each of our businesses are progressing under competent management, but MFS Committee is reporting some difficulties. I think with goodwill and good humour all round, and business-like communication and consultation, any real whole-of-society issues can be easily addressed.
Sincere thanks to all the volunteers, the door welcomers and refreshment organisers, the decorating teams and publicity promoters, the cleaners and stackers, and all the musicians, callers and dancers who have made this excellent year possible.

20 September 2011


The Monaro Folk Society AGM is on at 7:30pm this Thursday 22 September 2011, at St Margaret's Uniting Church Hall, cnr Antill St & Phillip Ave, Hackett.

The folk society is run by folk like you. If you have a commitment to open and fair leadership, with proper consultation with those affected before making decisions and respect for the competence of those responsible for our various autonomous activities, why not stand? If not you, who? Why not seize this opportunity for a great experience and personal growth while helping a worthy cause?

There are some timeless reflections in the lead-up to the MFS AGM, at

05 August 2011

Back after 2 Months Away

It's great to be back after two months away.

While we were away it seems there was a problem between some Monaro Folk Society (MFS) committee members and our musicians.

The result was that our musicians decided to secede from the MFS. We understand that the dispute arose from the MFS Committee's inability to properly delegate and empower their organisers, to the point where continuing under the current MFS Committee appeared not legally nor socially an option.

In a free association of autonomous activities like the MFS, decentralised management is the only approach that is going to work. If organisers are not authorised to appoint volunteers, book halls, and undertake all the other things that are needed to run their business, it's not going to work. If top level decisions are taken without prior consultation with those affected, it's not going to work.

Any belief that the MFS committee is able to over-ride any decision, no matter how trivial, as if they had the credentials and capability to run everything themselves, is unrealistic, and worse would have the potential to destroy all that is good within the society.

Hopefully the incoming MFS Committee will recognise these simple and timeless truths that apply to any multifaceted organisation like ours.

Perhaps you should be part of that incoming committee, and through sensible democratic leadership ensure that the dance musicians remain part of the society?

We support our musicians 100%. We formed The Bush Dancers display group to promote bush dancing and traditional Australian music and we could not and would not continue without the musicians' participation. They give freely and generously of their time and are a wonderful asset to MFS and to Canberra, the bush dance capital.

There is no immediate change for The Bush Dancers display group. It is an activity of the Monaro Folk Society, as active as ever, and we will continue to lead the display group. We have excellent bookings reaching out to mid 2012 and ongoing generous support from musicians, dancers and event organisers.

There was some disruption to Bush Dance Group (BDG) activities but BDG is now back to operating as usual as an activity of the MFS, pending the election of a new MFS committee at the MFS AGM. No dancers ever left the society. One musician resigned, but has now withdrawn that resignation. The other musicians were solidly in support of both actions. We also remain 100% supportive of that musician and of course of all our musicians.

We have had a fantastic twenty years on various Monaro Folk Society committees, but seriously consider that now is the time for the next generation to begin to take over. A surplus of candidates at the AGM and a packed house will auger well for the future of the society.

The folk society is run by folk like you. If you have a commitment to open and fair leadership, with proper consultation with those affected before making decisions and respect for the competence of those responsible for our various autonomous activities, why not stand? If not you, who? Why not seize this opportunity for a great experience and personal growth while helping a worthy cause?



03 August 2011

Results of Micro-Survey #4

The 9 responses to this survey, "a little about you", are shown below. This survey is now closed and the results of this survey, and other feedback, have been particularly valuable in our considerations around the idea of an end of month dance pass.

Q1: Approximately how many MFS dances have you attended in the last year, by type?
Q2: What Non-MFS dances have you attended in the last year?
Q3: What can we do to maintain or increase your participation in MFS dances?

Q1:1 End of Month dances at Cook, Heritage Dance
Q2:National Folk Festival
Q3:You are doing a fine job. Your email communications re what's coming up are clear and concise. I have only discovered MSF in the last 4 months or so.

Q1:EOM - 7; 1st Sat - 6; Colonial Ball; Gala Ball; Bush Capital Ball; Hertitage Week dance; Christmas Dance; Contra 2nd Sat - 3; Irish Ceilis - 2; Irish Set Dance weekend; Monday workshops - 30; DITP - 7; Contra Tuesdays - 18; Irish Set Dance classes - 10.
Q2:NFF dances; Bundanoon Dance Weekend; RSCDS Scottish dances - 10; St Judes school bush dance; Tumut Falling Leaves dance
Q3:Variety of dances / callers.

Q3:Welcome me when I return tentatively to dancing after 6 months of disability-imposed exile.

Q3:Better variety of dances, dances that appeal to more experienced dancers, which would include the less experienced dancers improving their standard of dance. Less walk throughs and more talk throughs, or get someone to demonstrate how the dance goes. Good dance music, by musicians who know the correct beat to the different types of dance

Q3:keep up all the communication and never give up!

Q3:In advertising MFS dances and classes, explicitly encourage men to attend so that the many women without dance partners can enjoy the events more than they do at present.

Q2:Many National Folk Festival dances every year since 1999 Most years I go to TSDAV's Portarlington weekend Living in Adelaide, I attend most ATBDS dances (Maureen Morris's)
Q3:I will maintain my participation in NFF and Portarlington, but am unlikely to increase participation at other places due to the distance from Adelaide.

Q1:3 contra dances
Q3:keep sending the dance news list. Very useful to see what is coming up but my interest has turned to other things. Not enough hours in the day : )

Q1:1 ball, 10 contra, 10 bush
Q2:All of those
Q3:Have more dances in school holidays

24 May 2011

Final Results of Micro-Survey #3

Thanks to those who have responded to our survey on Intergenerational Opportunities. The response was disappointingly low numerically, but those responses received were of high quality and certainly useful.

The surveys, dancing, musicians and organisation all depend on your continuing support. Please don't just take it for granted that all of this will still be there next time, or it may not be.

Why not dance while you can, and participate fully in everything that goes with it?

Here are the 6 responses, in full, a valuable resource for all our organisers:

Q1. How can we attract a younger bush dance crowd, and encourage younger folk to help?

1) One way is through their kids! Many "young folk" in their 30s and 40s are in the midst of child raising and one method to encourage more to bush dancing is through family bush dances. MFS presently hold one Kids Dance in December. Could this be increased to two? Could there be more opportunity for bush dancing displays at school fetes, lessons at schools/pre-schools etc.

Personally, I have wonderful memories of bush dancing as a child (strip the willow, barn dance, pride of erin etc). I grew up in the country and attending dances was a great social occasion for the small local schools. These experiences have encouraged me to get back involved now as an adult (with kids of my own - being 4 and 2 years old). The fact that you can dance with a lot of different people really makes it a fun experience. Also, from a parents' perspective, it is more accessible, social, wholesome, energetic (not to mention being accompanied by "live" music!), than many of the types of kids dance offered by dance schools (such as hip-hop dancing etc).

There is the interesting element of history, and of course the dressing up! I see many ways to "market" bush dancing as not only fun for the family, but for kids and parents individually. As for "young folk" in their 20s, well, remembering my 20s, I was focused on study, work, moving house, socialising and looking back couldn't really see bush dancing in the mix. My thinking is to focus on folks in their 30s and 40s who has passed (one hopes) to a better age of maturity, reflection and being settled. Get the kids interested, spark their enthusiasm, go dancing in "cool" old/historical places in great dress ups etc etc. Give them a "taste" for life!

I think the focus should be on being seen, rather than social media (internet, face book etc). Technoloy is useful to record experiences, give updates etc. However I really feel that the beauty of bush dancing is how it feels (sight, sound, movement), which cannot be captured well online. [PS Happy to help in formulating, brainstorming, implementing any plans along these lines... so there is bush dancing about for my kids when they grow up and for me as I grow into (I hope) an "inspiring oldie"!)]

2) The example which jumps out is Melbourne's Borderline Kaylee. They are youth group run by themselves for themselves. One saw at the national this year several of them coming to the regular events. Teens and uni students need an environment without we the older generation. Also, looking at the swing crowd, lively dances rather than those quadrilles where only the active couple does much.

3) Young woman are put off by being monstered. Older male dancers need to behave like dutch fathers. Dance is fun. We need to expose youngsters to easy, fun dances that are energetic and lively. Peter Foster is an excellent fast caller for that purpose.

4) Go to schools and universities and advertise. There are probably lots of people who might be interested in giving the dances a go and don't know about them being on. Even if they don't want to go, their parents might make them, so you'd get a much greater turn out.

5) show young people, like Simon, in advertising photos

6) Me and my mates went to the Bushwackers at the national and it was great The band was good and there was mostly young people. And the Borderline Kaylee dance was awesome. We went to some of the other dances but they were mainly old people tho the music was good there to, But it was a bit off to have to dance with grandies. The contra was good too but there wer a lot of oldies there too.

Q2. Please indicate your age bracket:


Under 20 1

20-29 1

30-39 1

40-49 0

50-59 1

60-69 2

70 or over 0

18 April 2011

Final Results of Micro-Survey #2

We received 204 votes in 25 responses to our second micro-survey, your favourite bush dances. Please see Wednesday, March 16, 2011, below for the final results.

06 April 2011


In the lead-up to the MFS Committee elections in 2008, I published some ideas about "the essentials of a successful MFS committee" on the web, and also two other members and I had these ideas printed and distributed at MFS events.

These principles are timeless and they are still there at

I was elected as President in 2008, and the two fellow members mentioned above were also elected. We saw a society in need of help, and we aimed high, but how did we go? Here are some reflections on a very satisfying two years, based on my recollections.

- We behaved ethically and openly. We consulted with stakeholders before making decisions that would affect them, and invited those particularly interested in an item along to our meetings. We advised members of our decisions along with reasons, and made our meeting agendas and minutes freely available to members.

- The public web site was totally re-developed and a collaborative Web Content Management system implemented.

- The members' web site was created

- The dance program was re-vitalised with the Bush Dance Group blooming and the establishment of the very successful End of Month Dance Committee.

- Simple reporting and accountability standards enabled us to responsibly share leadership through pre-approved budgets, delegation and empowerment. All organising teams were encouraged to promote and run their own activities.

- Improved financial management reporting on all activities of the society, including assets, was one area that was going to take more than two years, but tremendous strides were made.

- We established a PayPal account making possible secure on-line payments.

- MFS Committee meetings were business-like two hour meetings with equal air-time for all, in a professional board-room setting with proper voting and majority decisions

- We filled all positions, with no-one wearing two hats.

- We made a start on publishing "Roles & Responsibilities" for each volunteer position.

I commend these principles to the next generation of elected MFS Committee members and office-bearers, and urge any member who agrees to stand up and help the society. It's worth it!


16 March 2011

Results of Canberra Dance News Micro-Survey #2

We received 204 votes in 25 responses to our second micro-survey, your favourite bush dances. This survey is now closed, so these are the final results.

The 204 votes were spread over a surprisingly diverse range of dances, and even counting dances was a bit difficult. For example various versions of the Pride of Erin were nominated, progressive, "all different prides of erin", Irish etc. As well as showing the variants, I added a total of all Pride of Erin responses, and this category came out as the front-runner by a nose, with 10 votes. The Maxina came in second with 9 votes followed by Australian Ladies on 7 and then in alphabetical order on 6 votes:

Arkansas Traveller
Gypsy Tap
Lancers, The
Posties Jig

But the voting was close and the main message is that we have a fantastic diversity of bush dancers and their favourite bush dances, and that is a great thing. The bush dancing scene has certainly come a long way since the 1970's.

The questions were:

Q1. Please list your favourite bush dances in order, maximum 10 dances. 
Q2. Please indicate your bush dancing experience level as you see it:
A) Beginner
B) Intermediate
C) Experienced
D) Retired (Experienced but for whatever reason, no longer an active bush dancer)
E) Other (please describe)

The responses in full are shown as favourites{experience}, with numbering and [our comments] added:

Q1 {Q2}

1. 1)Less boisterous gallops and such, 2) less couples dances.{A}

2. Australian dances such as 1)Alberts and 2)Lancers3) Dances that aren't couples such three facing three because there aren't enough men{B}

3. 1)Merrilyn 2)Evening Three-Step 3)Virginia Reel 4)Australian Ladies 5)Borrodale Express 6)Numeralla Jig 7)Dashing White Sergeant 8)Gossamer 9)The Drongo 10)any other dances that need an odd number of dancers{B/C}

4. 1)any couples dances 2)any waltzes 3)Postie's Jig 4)Arkansas Traveller{xperienced}

5. 1)all different prides of erin 2)more quadrilles, 3)federation reel, 4)federation waltz, 5)thrushes nest, 6)pam gainsford delight, 7)ithica polka, 8)polka quadrille{experienced}

6. 1) Arkansas Traveller 2) Levi Jackson Rag 3) Eightsome Reel 4) Sweets of May 5) Tivoli Galop Quadrille 6) Pride of Erin 7) Maxina 8) Parma Waltz 9) Gypsy Tap 10) New Parliament House Jig {C}

7. 1, Posties's jig 2. Arkansas Traveller 3. Frangapani Waltz 4. Silver City Reel 5. Federation Waltz 6. Varosvienna 7. Princess Polka 8. Tivoli Gallop Quadrile 9. Dashing White Sargeant{c}

8. 1)Parma Waltz, 2)Gates Of Moye, 3)Australian Ladies, 4)Numerall Jog, 5)Evening 3 step, 6)Gypsy tap 7)Buffalo Gals, 8)Queen of Sheba, 9)Swing Waltz, 10)Maxina{C}

9. 1)Alberts 2)Australian ladies 3)Blackwattle Reel 4)Blaydon Races 5)Contra dances (any) 6)Country Bumpkin 7)Eightsome Reel 8)Gay Gordons{C}

10. 1) Posties Jig 2) Eightsome Reel 3) Love 'Em & Leave 'Em 4) Frangipani Waltz, 5) Sweets of May, 6) Lancers 7) Dashing White Sergeant, 8) Levi Jackson Rag, 9) Merry Widow Waltz, 10) Gypsy Tap. {C}

11. Real bush dances the Bushwhackers do e.g. 1)Opera Reel 2)Smith St Shuffle (Zorba) 3)Flying Pieman 4)Waves of Bondi 5)Drongo 6)The Backstep 7)Madmans Woodpile 8)Ned's Last Dance 9)Stockyards 10)Kangaroo Hop{D}

12. 1)Levi Jackson's Rag 2)Love 'em & leave 'em 3)Stour County Quadrille 4)Waltz Country Dance 5)Virginia Reel 6)Turn of the Tide 7)Marching through Georgia 8)Swing Waltz 9)Gates of Moy 10)Barn Dance{Dancer looking for some variety}

13. 1)Highland scottische, 2)Gypsy tap, 3)Palmer waltzx, 4)Palais glide, 5)Moonlight saunter, 6)Prid of Erin progressive, 7)Eightsome reel, 8)Valetta, 9)Charmaine, 10)La bomba These are dances they did in the bush near Rochester when I was younger and they still do them. Theres lots more but that’s 10. They are done the country way, not the ballroom way for competition.{E (still active but not very much bush dancing because it's not really bush dancing it's mostly colonial.}

14. 1)waterfall waltz 2)Margaret waltz 3)The Lancers 4)Soldiers joy 5)Pride of Erin 6)Three Sea Captains 7)Maxina 8)Virginia Reel/Marching through Georgia (? includes strip willow?){C}

15. 1)Australian Ladies 2)New Parliament House Jig 3)Love 'Em and Leave 'Em 4)Arkansas Traveller 5)Southern Cross 6)T.A.G. 7)CHOGM Pentrille 8)Posties Jig 9)Armstrong's Waltz{C - Experienced}

16. 1)Posties, 2)Love em and leave em, 3)Levi Jackson, 4)Waves of tory, 5)Waterfall waltz, Some Lucy Stockdale dances, 7)Sydney bushies,8)Pride of erin progressive, 9)gay gordons,10)Lancers.{C}

17. 1)The Lancers 2)Marie's Wedding 3)Australian Ladies 4)Banner Waltz 5)Queen of Sheba 6)Love em & Leave em 7)Waltz Cotillion 8)Symmetrical Force 9)Levi Jackson Rag{Intermediate}

18. 1)Swing wWaltz 2)Maxina 3)Pride of Erin (Northern Ireland version) 4)Heilan' Man's Umbrella 5)Waterfall Waltz 6)Queen of Sheba 7)Australian Ladies 8)Mairie's Wedding 9)New Parliamnen House jig 1)Banner Waltz{B}

19. 1)Gates of Moy 2)Australian Ladies 3)Eightsome reel 4)Buffalo Gals 5)Charmaine 6)Virginia Reel 7)Numerella Jig 8)Lloyd Melhuishs Birthday Dance 9)John Carolls dance about building a roof 10)Other dances by members - there are lots{C}

20. 1)Swing Waltz 2)Pride of Erin 3)Valette Waltz 4)Gypsy Tap 5)Maxina{B}

21. 1)Pride of Erin 2)Waltz Cotillion 3)Maxina 4)Seige of Ennis{D}

22. 1)royal irish quadrille 2)maxina 3)victory waltz 4)irish pride of erin 5)varsovianna 6)lancers 7)king geo square 8)federation waltz 9)queen of sheba{experienced}

23. 1)Swing Waltz 2)Margaret's Waltz 3)Postie's Jig 4)Victory Waltz 5)Soldier's Joy 6)Maxina 7)Pride of Erin 8)Circle Waltz 9)Waterfall Waltz 10)Arkansas Traveller{Intermediate}

24. 1)Numeralla Jig 2)Dashing White Sergeant{c}

25. 1) Barn dance, 2Maxina, 3)Gypsy tap, 4)Circassian circle. 5)Any slow, simple dance with the exception of the birthday candle one.{}

Summary of Responses:


10 Pride of Erin [Total]
9 Maxina
7 Australian Ladies
6 Arkansas Traveller
6 Gypsy Tap
6 Lancers, The
6 Posties Jig
5 Eightsome Reel
5 Levi Jackson Rag
5 Pride of Erin
5 Swing Waltz
4 Dashing White Sergeant
4 Love 'em & Leave 'em
4 Numeralla Jig
4 Queen of Sheba
4 Virginia Reel
4 Waterfall Waltz
3 Federation Waltz
3 Gates of Moy
3 Gay Gordons / Madmans Woodpile
3 New Parliament House Jig
3 Parma Waltz
2 Alberts, The
2 Banner Waltz
2 Barn Dance
2 Buffalo Gals
2 Charmaine
2 Drongo, The
2 Evening Three-Step
2 Frangipani Waltz
2 Margaret's Waltz
2 Marie's Wedding
2 Odd-number Dances
2 Pride of Erin Progressive
2 Soldier's Joy
2 Sweets of May
2 Tivoli Galop Quadrille
2 Valetta Waltz
2 Varsovienna
2 Victory Waltz
2 Waltz Cotillion
2 Waves of Tory / Bondi
1 Armstrong's Waltz
1 Black Wattle Reel
1 Blaydon Races
1 Borrodale Express
1 CHOGM Pentrille
1 Circle Waltz
1 Contra Dances (any)
1 Country Bumpkin
1 Couples Dances
1 Federation Reel
1 Flying Pieman
1 Galopede / Backstep, The
1 Gossamer
1 Heilan' Man's Umbrella
1 Highland Scottische
1 Ithica Polka
1 Kangaroo Hop
1 King George Square
1 La Bomba
1 Lloyd Melhuishs Birthday Dance
1 Marching Through Georgia
1 Member-written dances
1 Merrilyn
1 Merry Widow Waltz
1 Moonlight Saunter
1 Ned's Last Dance
1 Oxo Reel / Opera Reel
1 Palais Glide
1 Pam Gainsford's Delight
1 Polka Quadrille
1 Pride of Erin, Irish
1 Pride of Erin, N.Ireland
1 Prides of Erin, all diff
1 Princess Polka
1 Quadrilles
1 Raising the Roof
1 Royal Irish Quadrille
1 Seige of Ennis
1 Silver City Reel
1 Slow, Simple
1 Smith St Shuffle (Zorba)
1 Southern Cross
1 Stockyards
1 Stour County Quadrille
1 Sydney Bushies
1 Symmetrical Force
1 T.A.G.
1 Three Sea Captains
1 Thrushes Nest
1 Turn of the Tide
1 Waltz Country Dance
1 Waltzes
1 Circassian Circle

1 Gallops, boisterous
1 Couples Dances


[Updated 18 April 2011 LC]

16 February 2011

Freedom of Speech

My writings in this blog are my factually based and sincerely held opinion. I take no responsibility for comments posted here by others. I may disagree with some opinions expressed, but I will strongly defend everyone's right to freedom of speech.

Could I suggest polite comments? Offensive language can be a huge distraction, and offended readers aren't going to get your real message. If you disagree with someone, it’s appropriate to state your point of view, but never appropriate to use insults or personal remarks. It’s perfectly fine to offer constructive criticism, just be polite. If you see others writing disrespectful comments, ignore them. Paying attention will just encourage them.

I have never had to censor any comment, and hope I never have to. If I ever do, I cannot advise anonymous authors, but they will probably realise that their comment could not be published and may try again with something more appropriate. Most opinions, clearly identified, are okay, but false statements and disparaging remarks are not.

04 February 2011

More Micro-Survey Results

We have received more responses to our Micro-Survey and this survey is now closed. It's great to have all these ideas seeing the light of day, even greater if we can turn them into us helping you to help us to increase bush dance participation. Come what may we have a public resource to help dance organisers and callers etc.

Thank you everyone, for your ideas and actions that they may inspire in you as well as us.

Here are the responses in full, with [our comments].

11. Encourage families to come along, bring the children and have fun as was done in the earlier days of Yarralumla woolshed. Stop separating the children and adults.

Less couples dances. More drongos, Troikas etc

Create a more welcoming friendly atmosphere - bush dancing is about fun, not whether you get the steps right.

Less of the dressups - bush dancing can be done in jeans.

12. make it a family night, then you have young clientele for the future.Ads in regional centres and queanbeyan might also help.

[We would appreciate ideas on how to get publicity out there in all areas, remembering that we generally use free publicity opportunities]

13. Make the first half of bush dance classes - always very easy so beginners can start at any time. My husband and I went to bush dance classes Monday hoping for simple dances, but even though we had both bush danced a lot in the 80s, we found the dances too complicated to be enjoyable. When they were too hard we dropped out and didn't bother going to the dances because we thought they would be even harder. However we went to New Years eve at the Woolshed and the Sydney band taught simple dances - the kind we wanted to dance.

So - my suggestion -

1) make bush dance classes very simple dances and slower rather than faster.

2) Advertise as being for all beginners.

3) Instead of having to ask for a partner, line up in lines of men and women and take the person who matches - like they used to do in square dancing. The fear of course is that there won't be a partner.

3) Tell everyone participating to ask two friends. If I knew the dances were always simple enough for beginners in the first hour I would encourage everyone I meet-and i meet many people.

4) Have slow, simple dances also for people with injuries.

5) Have some dances desigend for same sex - such as some international circle dances are.

Thanks for asking.

New Years eve advertising worked well - perhaps try that again?

[We are working on something similar for the Shearers' Ball at the Yarralumla Woolshed.]

14. I no longer go to bush dances unless I am playing music. I get some satisfaction out of playing and occasonally from calling. I get almost no satisfaction from being on the dance floor.

The reason is that the standards of dance have sunk so low in Canberra that the dances are no longer worth going to. The attitude of the people who run the dances seems to be that it does not matter what people do on the dance floor, as long as they are enjoying themselves and go home happy. It is for this reason that most of the Society's experienced dancers now go elsewhere. There is no pleasure in dancing with people, some of whom have been dancing for many years, who simply do not make any effort to improve their behaviour on the dance floor, or their abiity to follow the music or the dance instructions.

I accept the criticism of the good dancers forming their own sets, but these people have paid their money too, and have a right to escape the nonsense that passes for dancing in other parts of the floor.

The situation is different in Newcastle, the Central Coast, Sydney and Melbourne. Here much higher standards are set, and people are expected to put more effort into what they do.

Several groups of interstate dancers have asked me recently what has happpened to the dances in Canberra - they used to be worth going to. Hardly anyone from interstate in town for the weekend comes to MFS dances now. They have heard reports like "I saw some Canberra dancers at the Forbes weekend, and they were an embarrassment to watch...." and "Canberrans do not dance - they amble."

"Lowest common denominator dancing of the form we have in Canberra has been a recipe for failure!

[Here is a short video clip from Forbes so you can form your own opinion. Not bad considering the cramped conditions on stage, if we say so ourselves :-). After the show, we were approached by an event organiser in the audience for a weekend festival booking, which unfortunately clashed with the National Folk Festival.

However I am sure that all readers will appreciate the reminder - “Poetry is to prose as dancing is to walking" (John Wain)]

15. Be friendly to each other as well as newcomers. Keep the prices more affordable - they are much more than comparable venues. Encourage younger folk and be prepared to admit that there are new and better ways to attract and retain newcomers.

16. Have good bands, different dances, callers who 'get on with the job' less walk throughs, some easy dances and som dance for the more experienced dancers, less Posties and more Love 'm and leave 'em or Arkansa traveller etc. Introduce a new and different dance from somewhere else or a differnt version ie. NSW, instead of ACT. etc.Try a theme night or 50/50 dance, old time, and bush, scottish/bush let people experience the variety that can be had in bush dancing. All beginners need to feel that they have progressed to the enxt level of dance and be proud that 'they did it'!

17. Plan and promote a variety of dance - music, styles ie a theme or country. Include more challenging dances and the experienced dancers might return. One dance per month.

18. Encourage dancers from your scene to attend dances from other scenes - they will make friends and bring them back to your dances. Unless you mingle you will isolate yourselves. Be inclusive of others. Support other organisers, not just your mates or your favourites, and the scene will strengthen.

And finally, teach your men to dance. How many know how to do a proper Australian waltz, pre-1900? Good dancers do not stay - they join other dance scenes to get more challenges. Doing the same old thing does get boring over time.

Bush dancing is a modern 1970s term coined by the band Bushwackers. The original term was country dances.

19. Make them more interesting, do more waltzes and learn to polka.

20. the Bush dance news (the email version) needs to be a simple straight forward document about the coming events. it does not need a contents list or all that continual info about shoes, partners etc, the receivers of this list already know all that.
all it needs is a simple list, with bold text for the name of the event & details.
scrolling up & down trying to fine the event you want to go to & you've forgotten the date is a pain.
the quip of the day is also unnecessary.
i usually just delete it now.

21. Have more "dancing" in the dances - less "walking around". People seem to have lost the ability to "slip-step" when circling or to "skip-step" in lively dances like Dashing White Sergeant. The mill in the Tivoli Gallop should be a high-stepping lively can-can not just walking around.
Also some men are like wet dishrags to dance with - they don't turn you properly with any strength, when they waltz they flop about, and the dance leaders do nothing to improve this.
Bush dancing should be lively, not just walking through the steps.

01 February 2011

Canberra Dance News Micro-Survey Results

We received 10 responses to our micro-survey in Canberra Dance News. They are shown in full and unexpurgated below. Because the survey was anonymous we cannot contact respondents for more details, but we have shown our comments and calls for more details in square brackets below. Maybe you could leave further comments against the points, on this blog?

If you have not responded to the micro-survey then it is not too late, just surf along to:

and let us know what you think about the subject "How can we help you to help us to increase bush dance participation?".

That's all - you won't be asked any other questions or for identifying information. Please have all your household ideas ready for one response, or you can email your response or afterthoughts to

Here are the responses so far, with [comments]

1. Provide me with vouchers for first-timer free entry for my friends.

[First-timers are offered free entry to the classes starting next Monday 7 February at All Saints Ainslie. First-timers will have more confidence that they have understood the offer if they have a voucher to present, so we will have some vouchers printed.]

2. Offer 2 for one entry price on their first night or bring a friend along for free

[There is also the thought that if you can get a new person along for a second time then they will be "hooked" and keep coming back after that]

3. Reduce thse prices

[The Monaro Folk Society is a non-profit organisation and prices are set to break even, with a small surplus to cover contingencies. Sometimes events run at a profit and sometimes at a loss, indicating that on average the prices are about right. We are very fortunate to have excellent musicians who are willing to perform for our dances even though entry fees and band remuneration has not kept pace with inflation. There has been a marked increase in the cost of the Albert Hall, Woolshed and St John's, but we have been able to keep costs down by using All Saints Ainslie and the Cook Hall.]

4. More couples dances perhaps, but it's readily available and very well organised as it is.

5. Dancers be more inclusive with newcomers. There's a definite sense of the incrowd at some dances. No use going to a dance to sit watching others having fun.

Also, SOME men need to be advised about hygiene. SOME are very smelly. Don't want to dance with them. Women make an effort to look and smell good - how about it men? This is what puts me off coming to dances.

6. Run a regular session in Goulburn!! Yay!! That would be Wonderful!!!

7. Have one bush dance per month only.

8. Simple Firstly, Get the word "Music" back into the societies' title. "Monaro Folk Music and Dance Society" for instance. Secondly, Do not use the word "Bush Dancing" or "Bush Dancers". What you are talking about is either "Australian Folk Dancers" or Austrailian Heritage Music and Dance". Just because the venue for many of these traditional dances was a woolshed in the Bush does not mean that those involved should be called "Bush Dancers" which seems to infer some sort of rough group of would-be dancers. They were in fact just "Dancers" who were performing all the latest dances of the period to just as high, if not a better standard than the good sophisticated folk in the cities, and with all the grace and style of the well dressed city folk. Lift your sights, The words Traditional, Heritage, Original, Pioneering, Historical, Australian Folk Music, all have some meaning to the wider English-Speaking Community out there. (to many of whom, English is not their mother tongue) Perhaps "Bush Dancers" to many of those good people conjures up an image of some Red Necks having a good time. So lift your sights, use the right wording, try to appeal to a much larger section of the great Australian Populace, you might get more people through the door.

[Bush Dancing is a fairly well recognised name for the dancing that we do, see for example It's a short word and comes out near the top in alphabetic newspaper listings etc. The essence of bush dancing in 2011 is the social nature of the dances, the accessibility to all, and the variety of formations and traditions that are included in a "bush dance" evening. We couldn't think of a better label so we decided to go all-out promoting "Bush Dancing for fun & fitness". It has had a lot of media exposure and so to re-badge would be to start again to build public awareness.]

9. Discourage the FIGJAM inf dancers, callers and musos. Discourage bad musicians and weak out of town bands, callers, bands from a long way to drive and their callers.
Support and build on the local product. Nothing is a bigger turn off when we get a flustered caller holding up good dancers and musicians. Encourage the local musicians and callers by remuneration levels covering more than costs. Make sure there is a core of dancers there to mix in and assist new recruits. Encourage a culture that does not scare away timid new comers. The ethos should be the dance. It is not a lonely hearts club.

[In case the acronym has you stumped, we think it stands for something like "Figjam I'm Good, Just Ask Me". We are accepting and tolerant of all and want to encourage diversity and a wide mix of folk participating and sharing their unique talents. Big crowds and development and growth for as many as will. We try to remunerate the musicians as well as we can, but it is in no one's interest to have dances closed down because they are not financially sustainable. Dancers want to dance, musicians want to play, and volunteers want to volunteer.]

10. better layout for the canberra dance news 

[We have total control over this one. We chose a plain text format to minimise bandwidth and compatibility and security issues. But we would love to know, how can we improve the layout?]

24 January 2011

Public Accusations

It is beneath our dignity to respond in kind to the wild accusations published on MFS-Announce.

As far as we know the MFS Committee has not been meeting. How can there be obstructionism when there is no MFS Committee request under consideration by Bush Dance Group or End Of Month Dance Committee, and only the most minor of outstanding matters of MFS Committee consideration involving us personally, being a request to disclose a third-party publicity password.

All correspondence from us has been prompt, polite and business-like.

We are astonished at the public outburst and Barbara and I wish the ex-president well in her future endeavours.

23 January 2011

Loose Ends

I received a "leaked" email blaming the previous committee for some problem or other, even though this is January and the previous committee handed over last September, and reporting verbal abuse.

For the record, all of my conversations with the incoming committee members have been friendly and polite, with no abuse either way.

The handover to the incoming committee was thorough and time-consuming, but I did receive a suggestion that in the interests of fairness, the outgoing president and treasurer should have continued work on the books until they were ready for the auditor.

I don't think it would have been fair to have a past-president dabbling in committee business from outside the committee. Nor would it be constitutional, as I had no power to request an ex-Treasurer to do further work on consolidating the accounts.

The previous committee made decisions about improved financial reporting, and the Treasurer and I implemented those policies to the best of our abilities. The Treasurer and I reported on our progress with implementing those policies at the Annual General Meeting, and answered all questions. I reported on the overall slow progress in implementing new financial reporting standards, and the outgoing treasurer reported on the outstanding matters preventing us from providing the consolidated accounts for audit. My understanding is that these matters were not related to the accounts kept by the Treasurer, but rather were related to obtaining information from activities that keep their own books. This information had not previously been included in the MFS Accounts.

The rules and usual practice are clear. Everything that was in progress on 23 September 2010, all books, records, partly-completed reports, and so forth, were handed over to the incoming committee on that date and the incoming committee then took responsibility for further work. The immediate past president has no powers or responsibilities under our rules.

As far as I could see, what the Treasurer handed over was fair and reasonable, with more information than in previous years, but a few loose ends to be tied up to meet our new higher standards.

The activities that I have been involved with since 23 September have responded promptly and efficiently to many requests concerning the books, even though in many cases the information requested was already included in the documents.

I guess there is bound to be a bit of a learning curve during a handover, as the new folk become familiar with the work-to-date, but by now the new committee should have everything in hand.