Lance is a Canberra bush dancer and this is Lance's blog. Home page:

Lance is ex-President of the Monaro Folk Society and the older comments are from that period. For information about the MFS and its activities, please see

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23 January 2011

Loose Ends

I received a "leaked" email blaming the previous committee for some problem or other, even though this is January and the previous committee handed over last September, and reporting verbal abuse.

For the record, all of my conversations with the incoming committee members have been friendly and polite, with no abuse either way.

The handover to the incoming committee was thorough and time-consuming, but I did receive a suggestion that in the interests of fairness, the outgoing president and treasurer should have continued work on the books until they were ready for the auditor.

I don't think it would have been fair to have a past-president dabbling in committee business from outside the committee. Nor would it be constitutional, as I had no power to request an ex-Treasurer to do further work on consolidating the accounts.

The previous committee made decisions about improved financial reporting, and the Treasurer and I implemented those policies to the best of our abilities. The Treasurer and I reported on our progress with implementing those policies at the Annual General Meeting, and answered all questions. I reported on the overall slow progress in implementing new financial reporting standards, and the outgoing treasurer reported on the outstanding matters preventing us from providing the consolidated accounts for audit. My understanding is that these matters were not related to the accounts kept by the Treasurer, but rather were related to obtaining information from activities that keep their own books. This information had not previously been included in the MFS Accounts.

The rules and usual practice are clear. Everything that was in progress on 23 September 2010, all books, records, partly-completed reports, and so forth, were handed over to the incoming committee on that date and the incoming committee then took responsibility for further work. The immediate past president has no powers or responsibilities under our rules.

As far as I could see, what the Treasurer handed over was fair and reasonable, with more information than in previous years, but a few loose ends to be tied up to meet our new higher standards.

The activities that I have been involved with since 23 September have responded promptly and efficiently to many requests concerning the books, even though in many cases the information requested was already included in the documents.

I guess there is bound to be a bit of a learning curve during a handover, as the new folk become familiar with the work-to-date, but by now the new committee should have everything in hand.


  1. The account books should be audited by the AGM to be signed off by the MFS members, as had been done by all previous MFS committees.

  2. The MFS Treasurer position is currently vacant. If you are not already an office-bearer or organiser, why not help out? Many hands make light work.

    As the MFS moves to legal compliance by including all material transactions and asset listings in its accounts, it is bound to take a little longer at end of year. However, if you work well with others you will find the job achievable and satisfying.

    We may find that if we allow ourselves a little breathing space by moving the AGM back a couple of months, it will be easier. The ACT model rules of association have been amended to allow five months rather than three, so all it takes is a minor amendment to the MFS rules to match the model rules.
